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How the Class is Structured


Each week, RDJ will assign a Course for homework. Some courses are split into 2 - 4 sessions. You will never be assigned more than one session per week.

The following homework tasks need to be completed prior to your next class.


You will be assigned specific audio books to listen to. There will never be more than 2 hours of audio assigned per week.


  • Complete the homework sheet for the audio assigned, explaining what you learned from the specific audio session.


Each session will have RDJ's Weekly Notes for you to read.


You will be given an assignment to read specific pages from The Law of Success book. You are to only read the pages assigned, please do not read ahead. 


  • Complete the homework sheet for Law of Success pages assigned, explain what you learned from those specific pages.


Email completed homework sheets (2 per week) to Richard David James,


  • Homework is due the day before your next meeting.

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COURSE A  | The Art of Exceptional Living
COURSE B  | Unlimited Power 
COURSE C  | The Secrets of Power Negotiation
COURSE D  | The Strangest Secret
COURSE E  | How to Win Friends & Influence People
COURSE F  | Rich Dad - Poor Dad
COURSE G  | The Magic of Big Thinking
COURSE H  | Awaken the Giant Within
COURSE I  | How to Master the Art of Selling
COURSE K  | Sell Your Way to the Top
COURSE L  | The Millionaire Next Door
COURSE M  | A View from the Top
COURSE N  | The Psychology of Selling
COURSE O  | It's Not Over Until You Win
COURSE P  | The Power of I Am
COURSE Q  | Winning with People
COURSE R  | The Psychology of Achievement
COURSE T  | Rich Dad Secrets
COURSE U  | Live with Passion
COURSE V  | The 5 Love Languages
COURSE W  | Myths, Lies & Downright Stupidity
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3

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